If you think the usual logon screen is quit bore to see. You have a option to change it to your favour. Look at the following steps to do….

1.First launch regedit then go toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows



2.Change the vaulue of  OEMBackground to 1,which indicate to enale logon background customization  in windows 7



Tip:If you can not find this entry in your registry,please try to create one.

3.Go to %windir%\system32\oobe\ ,create folder info then create another folderbackgrounds under info,then copy your own background picture here and rename it tobackgrounddefault



Note:The size of this picture must be less than 256k ,or it will not work.

4.Done,you can see your new logon background after logoff.It’s so easy,isn’t it!