How to Enable Timeline Feature on Facebook

After the launch of Google+ Facebook has escalated its efforts to retain the interest of user’s by introducing new interfaces and features.Earlier they changed the facebookchat sidebar, introduced video calling and now its time for new feature called Timeline.Currently it is only available for facebook developers but you can also enable it on your profile.

Earlier if you have to search for any old facebook status you have to rely on third party applications like Social Searching but with Timeline you can easily search any status even if dates back to moths or year’s.What’s  more impressive Timeline is that you can set a cover page for your profile.

Here are some Features of Facebook Timeline:-

  • You can set a cover page along with your facebook profile image.
  • You easily find any status update that you updated since you created your facebook account.
  • Your Personal InformationRecent activityupdates can be viewed from single page.

How to Enable Timeline Feature on Facebook:-

  • Login in to your Facebook Account.
  • In the search box type “Developers” and click on the first suggestion which isDeveloper App.

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  • If you haven’t enabled developer mode then it will request for your permission.Click on Allow button to grant permissions.

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  • Now you will be redirected to facebook application page , click on the Create New App. at right top.
  • In newly opened window give any App Display and Namespace Name,check mark in I agree box and then click on Continue button.

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  • In the next step it will ask you to enter Captcha code and after it click onSubmit button.
  • Now a page will show all your details, let them remain unchanged and click onSave Changes button.
  • In the left panel look for the Open Graph option and click on it.

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  • Now in the Open Graph: Getting Started page fill anything that you like and click on Get Started button. See the screenshot below:-

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  • Now in the configuration page change your Name and click on Save changes and Next button.
  • Again click on Save changes and Next button and then on Save and Finishbutton without doing any changes in it.
  • Now click on the Submit button.

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  • In the pop up window type whatever you want in the Usage Instruction field and then click on Submit for Approval button.
  • Now wait for 1-2 minutes and go to your facebook Homepage.
  • Here you will see a Timeline application and click on the Get it Now button.

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  • Click on the Start Tour button that will show you how the things will work in it and then on Publish Now button.

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  • After enabling Timeline your Facebook Profile page will be shown like this.

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This feature is only launched for developers.So your new profile will not be visible to all but only to developers.The timeline feature is expected to be launched on 29, September 2011 for everyone.