Making a file invisible in ubuntu 10.04

step1. Open Nautilus(Default File Browser).

step2. Go to a directory(say Web) and Select the file you want to make invisible(Say ubuntutips).

step3. Now right click on the file(ubuntutips) and select rename.

step4. In renaming process just put a dot(.) before the name of the file then press enter to save it.

step5. Refresh the Nautilus either by pressing CTRL+H twice or opening the new window after closing it.

step6. That’s All ,now your file ubuntutips will become invisible.

How to see hidden files in Ubuntu 10.04

To see the hidden or invisible files on ubuntu 10.04,in the directory you want to see hidden files,press CTRL+H OR select view->Show Hidden Files in Nautilus File browser.