How To use New Rupee symbol in Computer

October 18, 2011
Hello friends! I hope all you are fine. Today i will tell you how to use new rupees symbol in your computer. It`s very easy you have to install rupee font in your pc. i am telling one by one steps.

  • Download Rupee Font from here : Download
  • Now,Install it or copy it and paste in C:/windows/fonts
  • Open Notepad, select Format--->Font and choose rupee-indian font
  • To get Rupee symbol use key of just above of Tab which print ' or ~ 
  •  You can also print rupee symbol using 'alt' key 
or Hold "alt" key before printing any digit/number.

How to Find Your Friend is Invisible or Offline in Gtalk : very interesting

October 18, 2011
Hello friends! I hope all you are fine. today i am telling you avery interesting tricks to find out any of friend is offline or invisible in gtalk or in gmail.It is very simple. 


  • Open the Chat Window of the victim  User, you want to check the status for.
  • Click on option and click on "Go Off the Record".
  • Send a Message to User.
  • If you get "User is offline and can't receive messages" written in red color, that means a User is actually offline.
  • But if you get nothing in response, know that a Us...

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How to access blocked sites

October 18, 2011
Hello friends! All of you have known that department of telecom of India has been blocked all file sharing sites. this is a shocked for us because we use this for downloading many files daily and our blog is also use so its a trouble for our readers to download these files but friends don`t worry we have lots of tricks by which you can easily access these sites.I  will tell you a very simple and easy way to download any content from these sites. follows  simple steps.This solution i...
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How to Access blocked File sharing sites

October 18, 2011
Hello friends! All we know many file sharing site has been bloced in India so there are problem to download any content. I have another way to access these site .This is powerful and working tricks to handle any blocked site. Read the article and we will able to handle these sites .

First Method :

You can install a 'phproxy' add-one in Mozilla. When you want to  access any blocked site there will a 'ph' symbol in Mozilla to  click on that symbol you will redirect that blocked site easily. You c...

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How to check Who used your computer

October 18, 2011
Hello friends! I hope all you are fine. today i am telling you ainteresting trick to find out 'who used your computer and what did he do' in your absence.Many times we are not at home any one can check my computer and do something in our pc to check who and what did he do read full article.
By reading this article you will also able to find out  what did he do in Your absence


  • First go to start --> run -->eventvwr.msc
  • Events are stored in three log files: Application, Security, and System. ...

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How to make a pdf file from a text file

October 18, 2011
Hello  Friends! Today i will show you how to make a pdf file or convert a text file into a pdf file. Its very easy and useful for us.We know that a pdf file is a very secure file and can`t edit.This application is very efficient form creating a pdf file form other text file its also having good options. If you don`t know about pdf file i am telling you first what is a pdf file.

What is a PDF file.

Portable Document Format (PDFis an open standard for document exchange. This file format created...

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How to get hidden themes in Windows 7

October 18, 2011
Hello Friends.Today I am telling you some hidden files of windows 7.Many of us don`t know windows7 having some hidden themes in C directory or where window is installed.You don`t need to download these themes . Follows these steps and get themes.

  • First Go to Folder option and active show hidden files.
  • Copy this address and paste in address bar of window
  • Don`t navigate this address because this folder has been hide.
  • You will five sub folder in this folder.
  • open one...

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How to download torrent files with IDM

October 18, 2011
Hello friends! i hope you are fine. Today i will tell you how to download torrent file with Internet download manager(IDM).Well you may have some really keen interest getting to know how to really download torrents with IDM or any other download manager I just specified IDM because it’s the Best Download Manager I ever came across
This trick is given by  Thomas H. Galwan who is a reader of this blog.


  • Register with a valid Email and you will have a free access tha...

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What is thumb.db file and How to remove it

October 17, 2011
Hello Friend! Today i will tell about thumb.db file in PC. Many times we see this type of file in out PC but most of feel that it is a kind of virus but basically it is not a virus.This is a type of data base file.

What is Thumb.db file:

Thumbs.db is a thumbnail cache file which is used to store thumbnail images for Windows Explorer's thumbnail view. This speeds up the display of images as the smaller images do not need to be recalculated every time the user views the folder.Basically, when you...

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How to get Windows 8 boot screen

October 17, 2011
Hello Friends! Today I am telling you how to get Windows 8 boot screen for your windows 7 and XP. you can very well Microsoft are busy in Windows 8 which will come soon in Market. Windows 8 having much ore good features then other one of them is Its Graphics Feature. So if you are hungry for windows 8 and think how it will look so don`t worry download here the windows 8 boot screen transformation pack and make your windows in a new look and feel so good.

Steps :

  • First Download Latest windows 7 ...

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