Method #1 : Using Synaptic Package Manager


 Open Synaptic package manager and search for the program/packages you want to remove then mark the box for removal/complete removal(it may create dependencies problem so better go with other). Then click on Apply button to remove the selected packages. In the above picture, I’ve selected the program named – ‘tango GPS’ for removal.

Method #2 : From Command Line

The most common type of syntax for removing a program/package is explored below but you need to authorize (Enter your login password) and confirm (Type y for ‘yes’ or n for ‘no’, if you have changed your mind); then wait for few seconds until the job is complete.

$ sudo apt-get remove program_name_you_want_to_remove

Here is one real example,which will remove the kdissert, a mind map tool, program with the command -

$ sudo apt-get remove kdissert