Hello Friends! Now a days you listen this word very much in computer world . The word “cloud computing” refers to the software and services run over the internet.That is you can use the cloud as your remote computer. You can work with the cloud using an internet connection and a browser installed system. Currently cloud computing is a very popular research field in computer science so here i am telling some introduction about cloud computing and give a free cloud account free.

Scientific Meaning of  Cloud computing 

Cloud computing means using multiple server computers via a digital network, as though they were one computer. Often, the services available are considered part of cloud computing.
Traditionally, without a cloud, a web server runs as a single computer or a group of privately owned computers. The computer(s) are powerful enough to serve a given amount of requests per minute and can do so with a certain amount of latency per request. If the computer's website or web application suddenly becomes more popular, and the amount of requests are far more than the web server can handle, the response time of the requested pages will be increased due to overloading. On the other hand, in times of low load much of the capacity will go unused.

The local computers work load is limited,It is unable to handle the over load.But in the case of cloud number of systems or servers are connected and it will robust enough to handle the high work load by sharing.
To accessing the cloud the client side needs a system with a browser installed.The remaining all works are carried out in the cloud server.

In simple words cloud computing means you have a virtual computer in cloud and do every thing with that where you want, as a real computer.